Are Natural Products Right For You?

Are Natural Products Right For You?

Many people with diabetes look to natural products and vitamins for added help with their diabetes. And with good reason—some 
of these products can be very helpful. But some can make your diabetes medicines less effective or 
harm you. Before you try any such products, ask these questions:

Nature Made® Vitamins

Nature Made® Vitamins

Q Does this product work?

A Some companies quote stories from people who loved using their product. But these stories are not the best source of information. After all, you only hear from those for whom it worked. Instead, look for a note from a reliable member of the health care community. Doctors, dietitians and pharmacists know how to check products to see if they work.

Q Is the product safe?

A Watch out for products that claim to have the answer or the cure for diabetes. As of today, there is no cure that you can buy in any store or from the Internet. While some of these products may be harmless, they may not work well or may cause problems when you take them with other medicines. Costco carries a line of vitamins and supplements called Kirkland Signature™. These products are guaranteed to be of equal or better quality than name brands and can be one of the many tools you use to help manage your type 2 diabetes.

Talk with your health care provider or Costco pharmacist about whether a natural product is safe for you and is a good value for your money.

3 Tips For Safe Use

  1. Read up about the supplements you want to use, discuss with your health care provider before use and think about what you hope to achieve. Keep track of how you feel and decide if it does what 
you expect it to do.
  2. Start with a single product—do not begin with more than one at a time. Follow the label guidelines. Make a record of the natural products you use, their brand names, ingredients, doses taken and the dates 
you started.
  3. Report any side effects to your health care provider and stop using any item if you begin to have problems or side effects.



By Janis Roszler MSFT, RD, CDE, LD/N

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