7 Heart Healthy Shopping Tips for Seniors
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One of the best ways to prevent or control cardiovascular disease is by eating a healthy diet. Use A Place for Mom’s heart healthy shopping list and incorporate these nutrition tips into a senior loved one’s diet for greater heart health.
February is Heart Health Month, and there’s no better time to do a “gut check” on the foods you and your loved ones are eating. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S., according to the Center for Disease Control, and the Heart and Stroke Foundation in Canada states that strokes kill 32% more women than men.
Needless to say, it pays to be aware of what you can do at home to promote a heart-healthy diet for your family. The good news is, our cardiovascular health is largely under our control. Eating a diet rich in fruits, veggies, lean protein and fiber can considerably reduce the risk of heart disease.