Articles by Esther Berkowitz

Esther Berkowitz (1 Articles)

Esther Berkowitz, ”Esti” to her family, friends and followers, discovered the meaning of her life in her mid-30s. After having worked in marketing for major corporations for several years, she traded in her corporate credit card and invested in her spirituality. Esti left her home town of Chicago, studied her Jewish heritage in Jerusalem, and ended-up living in New York City. It was like starting over again, but Esti finally found her soul mate, got married, and started a family after 35. Both Esti and her ‘primetimepartner’ created a blog, PrimeTime Parenting, to encourage other people that things often become clearer with age. In today’s world, people are finding their true passion later in life; it can happen to you.

Costco Keeps the Needs of Those Living with Diabetes in Stock

While shopping at Costco last week, I went with the purpose of finding products that would be sufficient for a diabetes friendly diet. While browsing the aisles, my stomach was growling with the endless healthy food options available. All of them versatile and delicious while keeping diabetes [...]
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