Q I’m renewing my driver’s license soon. Can I list myself as an organ donor?
A You can under certain conditions. There are two types of donations – ones made while the donor is living, such as a kidney, and those made after a person has passed away. If you have diabetes, you are not permitted to donate an organ while you are alive. But all individuals can become donors, regardless of age, race or medical history, once they have passed away. The parts of the body that can be used depend on their condition at the time of death.Being an organ donor is an incredible act of love and generosity. Visit www.donatelife.net for more information. As a reminder, people with diabetes can donate blood as long as they have never used beef-derived insulin from 1980 or later. Contact your local blood donation center for details.
Q The holidays are coming. How do I deal with friends and relatives who don’t understand my food preferences?
A Communication is the key. Politely inquire about the menu before each event. This alone may initiate a helpful conversation. If nothing meets your needs, offer to bring a diabetes-friendly dish for all to enjoy. If the host refuses your help, eat a small meal at home and take just enough of the food at the party to keep your plate full. Being together is important, so don’t let diabetes keep you from enjoying time with loved ones.
Q I’m starting early. How can I keep my New Year’s Resolutions for this year?
A First, don’t try to keep a goal for an entire year – you will have more success if you break your goal into small, weekly challenges. To do this, use the Jump Start Pledge method, which I discuss in my book, DIABETES ON YOUR OWN TERMS. Here’s how you do it:
Q What should I eat if I become sick?
A It’s a great idea to plan ahead. Here are some general rules to follow if you become ill:
* This article originally appeared in 2007
**please consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diabetes regimen.
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