Q Sometimes, when I order a sugar-free beverage at a restaurant, the waiter brings me a normal, sugared drink. Some diet drinks taste a lot like their regular, non-diet version. How can I tell? What would Harry Potter do?
A Does Harry Potter become a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) in the final book? Until he does, here are a few “muggle” (non-magic) suggestions that may help:
Q Can birth control pills affect my blood sugar level?
A There are several different types of birth control pills. Some vary the amounts of hormones that they release in the body and cause more of a roller coaster ride. Others contain the same amount of estrogen and progesterone every day of the month, which will help keep blood sugar swings to a minimum. Speak with your doctor to see which choice is best for you.
Q I’m tired of having everyone think of me as a “diabetic.” I do lots of different things and have lots of hobbies, but no one cares about that. As soon as the word “diabetic” enters the conversation, everyone immediately focuses on that part of my life. I hate it. What can I do?
A You have some control over the information that people have about you. Try the following:
*This article originally appeared in 2007
**please consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diabetes regimen.
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