Q A friend of mine suggested that I use agave nectar as a sweetener instead of artificial sugar substitutes. Isn’t agave the stuff they use to make tequila? Is it possible to take a liquor ingredient and turn it into a diabetes sweetener?
A Like sugar cane, the agave plant has many uses. Rum is made from sugar and tequila is made from agave, yet sugar and agave are not alcoholic items. Agave syrup won’t cause you to dance on tables. It is a nice, safe sweetener.
Q Why do I feel hungrier when my blood sugars are high?
A When your blood sugar level is above your target range, your main source of energy is stuck in your bloodstream and can’t enter your cells at a healthy rate. Your cells need energy to do their jobs. When they can’t get it, they signal to the brain that you have no food for them, sends out a hunger signal and your brain starts to scream….”WHERE’S THE FOOD?!”
Q I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a few months ago and just discovered that I am pregnant. My diabetes control is good right now, but I’m so worried about my baby. Is it possible that he or she will develop diabetes?
A Here is a list of the probably risk of developing diabetes:
Take care of your diabetes and work closely with your health care team and all will hopefully go well.
Q How can I tell if I’m eating enough carbohydrates?
A Many people cut way back on their carbohydrate intake and find that they don’t have enough energy to make it through the day. Here are a few ways to tell if your carbohydrate intake is right for you:
* This article originally appeared in 2008
**please consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diabetes regimen.
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