
Making Sense of Your Medicines

If you spend a lot of time thinking about taking your medicines, you are not alone. According to a recent study, many people struggle to take their medicines safely and correctly. The average person with diabetes takes 7-9 pills a day. That’s a lot of pills to manage! [...]

Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving

As the publisher of, Costco Healthy Living with Diabetes, I have edited and published dozens of healthy living articles around the holidays. With Thanksgiving coming up, I’d like to take this opportunity to communicate some of the tips I have picked up over the years from our award-winning staff of writers, which includes two former Diabetes Educator of the Year winners. [...]

Video: Blood Pressure Monitoring Tips

How often do you check your blood pressure? Many people only get it checked at the doctor’s office. If you’re one of them, you might be missing important changes your healthcare provider needs to know about. Have a look at this video to learn some tips for monitoring your blood pressure at [...]

Video: Foot Care Tips

  Joy Pape, a registered nurse and certified diabetes educator, talk to us about the importance of good foot care and gives some surprisingly simple advice on what people with diabetes can do to ensure that their feet stay healthy. This can help you avoid many diabetes complications. More [...]

3 Simple Habits for Diabetes Control: Nutrition

Dealing with diabetes can be a huge task, but by taking small steps toward simple healthy habits, you can achieve lasting control. Let’s take a look at three key areas of health - nutrition, exercise and behavior - and habits in each of these areas that can help you have better blood glucose control and a better quality of life. [...]
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