blood pressure

Even Slightly High Blood Pressure Can Increase Your Risk Of Stroke

Nearly 65 million people, or 1 in 3 Americans, has high blood pressure. This makes it one of the most common diseases in the United States. High blood pressure can put you at risk for many other health problems, including kidney disease, heart attack, and stroke. A recent study has found that if your blood pressure is even slightly higher than normal, also known as being “pre-hypertensive,” you could be at risk for a stroke. [...]

Can Blood Pressure Medicine Increase Your Risk of Falling?

There are many different ways to treat high blood pressure. Like so many other conditions, the best place to start is by eating healthy food and moving more. If this is not enough to lower your blood pressure, you might need to take medicine. Sometimes, more than one medicine will be needed to help your each your target blood pressure number. [...]

Can Eating Dark Chocolate Help Lower Your Blood Pressure?

There is a lot of talk these days about all the different health problems that are becoming more common in the United States. You might already know some of these facts—heart disease is the number one killer in the US, and rates of diseases like obesity and diabetes are at an all-time high. [...]

Can Sugary Drinks Lead to High Blood Pressure?

You may have heard that two of the most common health problems facing adults today are diabetes and obesity. What you may not know is that many people who suffer from these conditions also tend to have other medical problems, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. [...]

Can Lifestyle Changes Lower Blood Pressure in Obese Children?

Obesity rates in the United States are higher than they ever have been. Nearly 1 in 3 adults is obese, and millions more are overweight. This is also becoming a problem for children. In fact, almost 1 in 3 children today is either overweight or obese.Kids who fall into this categoryare more likely to have other health problems, including high triglycerides, prediabetes and high blood pressure. [...]

Heart Healthy Updates

  Stress May Make It Harder To Recover From A Heart Attack You may know that eating a balanced meal plan and staying active are important to keeping your heart healthy. But one part of a heart healthy lifestyle that seems to be forgotten is controlling stress. A recent study published in the [...]

Video: Blood Pressure Monitoring Tips

How often do you check your blood pressure? Many people only get it checked at the doctor’s office. If you’re one of them, you might be missing important changes your healthcare provider needs to know about. Have a look at this video to learn some tips for monitoring your blood pressure at [...]

Check Your Blood Pressure at Home

All I have to do is sit in my doctor’s office and I know my blood pressure will be high,” a friend of mine says. “I’m a nervous wreck waiting for more bad news!” And it’s true—blood pressure can go up just because you are in your health care provider’s office. This condition is so common, it has a name—“white coat” high blood pressure. This is named after the white coats that some health care providers wear. [...]
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