
A Bigger Breakfast for Better Blood Glucose Control

Adelle Davis, an American author and nutritionist, once said: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” While some recent research has shown that eating breakfast doesn’t necessarily help you lose weight, there’s plenty of other research that points to the importance of starting off the day with a healthy meal. [...]

Heavy Breakfast Best For Type 2 Diabetes?

  Every month, a lot of research is published about the best foods to eat for type 2 diabetes. A balanced meal plan should include enough vitamins and minerals, protein, healthy fats and fiber to help you control your blood glucose levels and avoid diabetes complications. But did you now that [...]

Breakfast: To Eat or Not to Eat?

The topic of breakfast is once again in the news. In one study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers divided overweight or obese people into three groups. One group was told to skip breakfast, one was told to eat breakfast, and ones was told to follow their usual regimen. After 16 weeks, there was little to no change in body weight among the three groups. [...]

Tomato and Onion Omelet

  Tomato and Onion Omelet   A delicious tomato and onion omelet that's perfect for a high-protein breakfast or brunch. Recipe type: Breakfast Serves: 4 Ingredients 2 Tbsp tomatoes, finely chopped 2 Tbsp onion, chopped 4 eggs 1 Tbsp salt 2 tsp green chili, minced Pinch of black pepper ¼ tsp [...]
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