heart attack risk

Can Your Job Increase Your Risk of Heart Disease?

Many know that heart disease is the number one killer of Americans today.Risk factors include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, being overweight or obese,diabetes, and smoking. A new study suggests there might be another risk factor to consider—your job! Not just any job, however. The study looked at a group of people who have a very physically demanding job—firefighters. [...]

Body Mass Index and Heart Disease Risk: Is There A Connection?

There are several important numbers everyone should know — your address, phone number, social security number and date of birth. You should also know about numbers related to your body, such as height, weight and age. Do you know another important number that gives information about you? Are you familiar with your BMI? [...]

Aspirin and heart disease prevention: Is bedtime the best time to take it?

Do you take a daily aspirin to help lower your risk of a heart attack or a stroke? If you answered “yes” to this question, then you are like millions of other people with diabetes. Would you believe that the time you take your aspirin might affect how well it works? This might surprise you, but it is exactly the result found in a recent medical study. [...]

Anger May Increase Your Heart Attack Risk

  When you get stressed or angry, you may feel your blood pressure go up, or you may start to have pain in your chest. A recent study published in the European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care found that you may actually be feeling these symptoms when you are stressed because your [...]
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