
Can Your Cell Phone Help You Eat Healthy And Lose Weight?

If you’re like most Americans, you probably have your cell phone with you for most of the day. You can call your friends and loved ones, check your email, and even usethe Internet on your phone. Butdid you ever think texting could help you lose weight? A recent study has shown that a texting program that sends healthy tips to your phone could make you more likely to make healthy lifestyle choices. [...]

Even People with Diabetes Can Lose Weight!

Do you enjoy television reality shows? Many people tune in week after week to watch excited players complete challenges and win prizes. Part of the fun is when you see how they still win despite the efforts of other players to stop them. Your efforts to lose weight may have a lot in common with these popular programs. You also have a test and hope to win a great prize. This prize is to lose weight and become healthier. This is hard to do if those around you try to get in the way of your success. Here are a few examples of how friends and family make it harder for you to win and some good ways to respond... [...]
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