Articles by Marlene Koch, RDN

Chocolate Peppermint Meringue Cookies

It wouldn’t be Christmas without these chocolaty, peppermint filled gems. Our Christmas tradition is to put a batch in the oven as we start to decorate the tree, and by the time we are half way through, I’m pulling them out of the oven much to my boys delight. They like them best when the outside is dried and crackly , but the inside is still a bit soft – with the chocolate oh-so-melty and the peppermint chewy…. [...]

Guilt-free Chocolate Desserts

Having diabetes doesn't necessarily mean swearing off of scrumptious chocolate desserts. Marlene Koch's book of recipes, "Eat What You Love Everyday" (Running Press, Copyright © 2014) presents you with 200 all-new, great-tasting recipes low in sugar, fat and calories. We took a few of these recipes and present them for you to try out in your kitchen today. [...]

Video: Unbelievable Chocolate Cake!

It’s true that chocolate cake seems like a big indulgence for a healthy living site, but this cake, from Marlene Koch’s Eat What You Love Cookbook, is ideal for people with diabetes and a sweet tooth. It’s low in sugar, fat and calories, and it can include your favorite sugar substitute, so [...]
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