Natural Ways To Lower Cholesterol

By Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE, LDN, CPT

If you have been told you have high cholesterol, you most likely want to take action. If you are already on medications to control diabetes, you may be looking for natural options to avoid additional medications. The good news is that cholesterol, for many individuals, can be managed through diet and lifestyle changes.  Although this approach takes some work, in three to six months, you may be thrilled with the changes in your cholesterol levels.

Eat Your Veggies

One of the top ways to help reduce your cholesterol levels is by losing weight if you are above an ideal body weight. Losing just as little as 5-10% of your total body weight can result in improved total cholesterol, lower LDL cholesterol levels, and elevated HDL cholesterol. To help with this, focus on filling your plate at each meal at least halfway with vegetables. Since vegetables are loaded with fiber and contain few calories, filling your plate with these allows you to take in less calories while feeling full and satisfied. And they have another health bonus as well. Vegetables are rich in soluble fiber, a fiber that helps to bind to cholesterol and flush it from your body. So not only will eating more vegetables help to shed pounds, but it will help to further reduce cholesterol as well. When preparing vegetables, choose steamed options over sautéed or fried varieties to prevent taking in additional calories.

For full article click here . . . 

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