March 2014

Nutrition Program Helps Kids Fulfill Their Dreams

It can be hard to get children to trade their chips for veggies, or cookies for fruit. However, it is important to get the country’s children off to a healthy start to prevent them from having to live with chronic disease. A recent report found that a program linking healthy living to fulfilling dreams has been successful in building healthy habits in children. [...]

Food Prices Can Affect Your Diabetes

For many people who have diabetes, one of the greatest challenges is budgeting time and money. Eating healthier foods, working out, and buying medicines and diabetes care supplies can put a strain on your schedule and your wallet. In fact, a recent report has found that food prices can affect your blood glucose level if you have diabetes. [...]

Video: Walkable Communities

Brian Pape, green design architect and historic preservationist, interviews diabetes educator Joy Pape to discuss how cultivating a healthy walking lifestyle can be very good for people with diabetes. Both Brian and Joy Pape are advocates of walking, and discuss in this video how Americans [...]

Video: Dental Care Tips For Diabetes

An Interview with Joy Pape, RN BSN CDE WOCN CFCN by Jonathan Jarashow. Johnathan Jarashow, publisher of, talks here with Joy Pape about the importance of good dental care for people with diabetes. It’s known that not maintaining good dental health can cause diabetes complications. [...]

Video: Tips for Getting More Active

An Interview with Joy Pape, RN BSN CDE WOCN CFCN by Jonathan Jarashow Many Americans find that becoming more active is one of the most difficult parts of establishing a healthier lifestyle. If you find yourself one of these people, there is good news for you. Registered nurse Joy Pape shows you [...]

Video: Tips for Taking Insulin

An Interview with Joy Pape, RN BSN CDE WOCN CFCN by Jonathan Jarashow. Many people find that taking insulin can be stressful or confusing. In this video, Joy Pape talks about how to overcome some of the emotional difficulties that come with taking insulin as part of you diabetes care routine. [...]

Video: Blood Pressure Monitoring Tips

How often do you check your blood pressure? Many people only get it checked at the doctor’s office. If you’re one of them, you might be missing important changes your healthcare provider needs to know about. Have a look at this video to learn some tips for monitoring your blood pressure at [...]

Video: Foot Care Tips

  Joy Pape, a registered nurse and certified diabetes educator, talk to us about the importance of good foot care and gives some surprisingly simple advice on what people with diabetes can do to ensure that their feet stay healthy. This can help you avoid many diabetes complications. More [...]

Marilyn’s Spicy “Fried” Chicken

This is a great spicy fried chicken recipe to use for planned-overs. Double the recipe and dice the extra cooked chicken then toss with fresh lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, onions, and low-fat dressing for a refreshing salad, or stuff it in a pita pocket or whole wheat wrap for a sandwich [...]

What’s New with Beans

Whether you call them beans, legumes or pulses, beans are nutritionally wholesome. They are gastronomically versatile, economical, and with the exception of soy, most beans are non-genetically modified foods. Beans are a great source of soluble fiber, high-quality protein and minerals, including calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium and zinc. Soluble fiber has been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels. [...]

3 Healthy Reasons to Add Mushrooms to Your Plate

Favored in salads and soups for their earthy, smoky and meaty taste, edible mushrooms are found in every supermarket. Long considered healthful for their medicinal properties, shiitake, enokitake, maitake and oyster mushrooms have been part of the Asian diet for centuries. In the United States, mushrooms are produced in every state, but Pennsylvania accounts for 61% of the country’s mushroom production. Although considered a vegetable, mushrooms are fungi. [...]

Heart and Other Diseases that Affect Diabetes

Diabetes during pregnancy may increase heart disease risk Gestational diabetes, or diabetes you get during pregnancy, can put both you and your baby at higher risk for getting type 2 diabetes later in life.  However, a recent study found that those moms that get gestational diabetes may also be [...]

Healthy, Low-Carb Substitutes for Better Glucose Levels

Do you find it hard to keep your blood glucose level in the healthy range after meals? Are you confused about how certain foods will affect your blood glucose? While it’s true that each person with diabetes has a unique blood glucose response after eating, we know that certain foods affect it more than others do. [...]

5 Reasons to Eat More Yogurt

Do you like yogurt but wonder whether it's wise to eat it regularly? Good news: As long as you choose the right type, yogurt can be a great addition to your diet. In fact, consuming a serving every day provides many benefits. [...]

Menopause and Weight Gain

One of the most common complaints of menopausal women is weight gain. While their lifestyles, eating habits and exercise levels have not changed, they cannot seem to keep weight off. Often, what has worked in the past doesn't work in this stage of life. Although weight gain in general cannot be blamed on menopause alone, the hormonal changes can be linked to a change in how – and where – we store fat. [...]
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