January 2015

Many People Believe False Weight Loss Supplement Claims

  If you have tried to lose weight while having a chronic condition like diabetes, you know how hard it can be. Losing weight takes a balanced meal plan, good sleep, and plenty of physical activity. Yet very few people keep the weight off over the long term, and this is probably why there are [...]

Low Income Linked to Worse Diabetes Control

  Diabetes poses many challenges. As soon as you are diagnosed–which may be in childhood–you will have to manage your blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol levels; see a few different healthcare providers regularly; exercise more; take medicines correctly; and follow a healthy meal [...]

Researchers Make Skin Patch to Heal Diabetes Foot Ulcers

  People with diabetes are at a high risk for certain complications, including heart disease, stroke, nerve damage and blindness. Diabetes complications are now less common than they used to be, because we have better ways of testing for and preventing them. However, it is still important to [...]

Americans are Not Eating Enough Heart Healthy Nuts

Nuts–and butters made from them–are a healthy way to get a big protein boost. Eating nuts as part of a heart healthy meal plan has been shown to lower obesity and heart disease risk. A recent study released by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) found that many Americans are not eating the suggested 1.5 ounces of nuts or nut butters each day. Because of this, many Americans may be missing out on the heart healthy benefits of nuts. [...]

3 Ways Costco Pharmacists Can Help You Manage Your Diabetes

Did you know that pharmacists play an important role in diabetes care? The American Diabetes Association has said that many pharmacists do much more than give out prescription medicines. They often provide diabetes self-management counseling, perform routine health checks, and teach people how to take their medicines. Pharmacists can also make sure people with diabetes get all the vaccines they need every year. [...]
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