Diabetes Around The Web

5 Things Women With Diabetes Need To Know

Great introductory information on diabetes from For Hispanic women (in Spanish): Click to view article For Hispanic women (in English): Click to view article For African American women: Click to view [...]

Eleven Tips for Food Shopping With Diabetes

Ah, the grocery store. Some love it, most dread it. The sight of flower bouquets and smell of freshly baked bread can wake up your senses. But more often than not, there are no parking spots, long lines, grouchy people, and screaming children throwing juice pouches. Couple all of that with trying to pay attention to a shopping list while battling low blood sugar, and it can be a small nightmare for someone with diabetes. [...]

Patient-Centered Diabetes Care Becomes a Focus in 2016

When you think of caring for your diabetes, you might think about counting carbohydrates, self-testing your blood glucose levels or managing your medicines (with the help of your doctor). These are all important things to do, but the American Diabetes Association (ADA), in its 2016 Standards of Medical Care, says that there should be more focus on you and your specific, customized needs. [...]

Diabetes & Healthy Aging: Moving Well For Life

Over a lifetime of use, your joints might not move as well or as comfortably as when you were younger. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of joint discomfort in older adults and in people who are overweight or have diabetes. In fact, it’s not uncommon for someone to be overweight and have both diabetes and osteoarthritis. Living with multiple chronic conditions can make it difficult to be active and to engage in social or work activities. It can also cause emotional distress. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), arthritis has a greater impact on mental health and the ability to work than other chronic conditions. Thankfully, there are practical ways to help manage the discomfort. [...]

Help for Aging Youthfully With Diabetes

Despite what we might think, aging does not have to bring with it discomfort, poor memory and frailty. The human body is remarkable in its ability to repair itself no matter what the condition. No longer do we have to put up with feeling crummy. We can take action to age more youthfully. [...]

Ready To Quit

Kirkland Signature Quit2® and Quit4® are here to help you quit! Our Quit line includes 2 and 4 mg Nicotine Polacrilex Lozenges (Mint Flavor), and 2 and 4 mg Nicotine Polacrilex Gum (Uncoated, Original Flavor). In the United States alone, smoking is responsible for nearly 1 in 5 deaths, and about 8.6 million people suffer from smoking-related lung and heart diseases. (American Cancer Society) [...]

7 Heart Healthy Shopping Tips for Seniors

It pays to be aware of what you can do at home to promote a heart-healthy diet for your family. The good news is, our cardiovascular health is largely under our control. Eating a diet rich in fruits, veggies, lean protein and fiber can considerably reduce the risk of heart disease. Get these Heart Healthy Shopping Tips for Seniors via this article. [...]

The Important Keys to Successfully Quit Smoking with Diabetes

Smoking is unhealthy for anyone, but for people with diabetes, it is especially perilous. Diabetes and smoking combined, creates low-level inflammation throughout the body that affects the most important functions in the body such as the eyes resulting in blindness, painful nerve damage, kidney failure and can double the damaging effects as in heart problems. [...]

Comté That Counts

Have you ever wondered how and where your cheese comes from? Here's an article about Kirkland's Signature Comté Cheese and where it's made. [...]

Shop Costco for These Simple Diabetes Friendly Recipes

Lauren, one of our Diabetes influencers, recently took a trip to Costco and put together two full days’ worth of diabetes-friendly recipes, all with ingredients available at the warehouse. Recipes for breakfast Vegan Chocolate Strawberry Chia Pudding all the way to Salmon with Quinoa and [...]

The Health And Humor Show, August 16, 2015

This edition of The Health and Humor Show features an interview with Susan Dopart MS RD CDE who talks about “Mindful Eating, Healthy Living.” She has 2 websites, and [...]
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