Fiber Protects You From Heart Disease


Kirkland Signature™ OptiFiber

Kirkland Signature™ OptiFiber

It’s Easy To Ensure You’re Getting Enough Fiber In Your Diet Once You Know More About Where To Get It And What It Can Do For You.

THE AVERAGE AMERICAN eats only 15 grams of fiber each day. This may seem like a decent amount, but recent studies show that much more fiber is needed in any daily meal plan if you want a healthy heart.

What Is fiber?

Fiber is a healthy compound found in fruits, veggies and whole grains like oats, wheat and rice, as well as in beans, nuts and seeds. The two types of fiber found in foods are called insoluble and soluble.

Insoluble fiber helps to bulk stool and keep digestion at a healthy pace so any waste products can be moved out of the body easily. Insoluble fiber is found in fruits, veggies and whole grains.

Soluble fiber attracts water and turns into a gel when digested. Soluble fiber helps to slow down digestion so you can better take in nutrients from the foods you eat. Soluble fiber is found in fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, beans and some whole grains. This type of fiber can lower cholesterol and help keep blood glucose levels more stable.

The Research On Fiber And Heart Health

A research team looked at fiber intake from the United States, Australia, Europe and Japan. The study also examined two kinds of heart disease:

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