Staying on Track over the Holidays with Diabetes

Family dinners. Office parties. Cookie swaps. Homemade pies and cakes. How is it possible to survive the holidays? Managing your blood sugars and your weight between Thanksgiving and New Year’s can seem like an overwhelming challenge –you might feel like throwing up your hands and pouring [...]

Nuts for the Holiday Season

The holiday season can be hectic. And if you have diabetes, it can be a challenge to eat right and keep your blood sugars level. Here’s something that can help, and it’s available at your local Costco! [...]

Building a Healthy Plate at Costco

If you have diabetes, pre-diabetes, or just want to have a healthier lifestyle, a good place to start is with your dinner plate. Too many of us focus on what foods to avoid, instead of thinking about what to include. When you focus on what to eat to fuel your body properly, you limit the “room” you have for unhealthy foods. [...]

New Exercise Guidelines to Help Manage Diabetes

Your health care provider has probably recommended that you stay active to keep your blood glucose levels stable.  This is because daily exercise helps your insulin work more effectively.  According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA),staying active most days of the week means better [...]

Take Charge of Your Diabetes

If you are living with diabetes, managing your blood glucose levels on a daily basis is the most important thing you can do to keep your diabetes under control. [...]

Take the Guesswork Out of Blood Glucose Monitoring

Do you want to get better control of your diabetes? Blood glucose monitoring is one of the best ways for you and your healthcare team to know if your treatment plan and medications are working. Testing allows you to know what your blood glucose is at a specific moment, as well as over a period of time. [...]

Peer Partners For Diabetes Care

As you know, your health care team can do a lot to help you manage your diabetes. But research shows working with others who have diabetes, or your peers, can also help with your self-care efforts. A peer is a person who is similar to you. Although peers may have other things in common with you, [...]

Women’s Health Issues

If you are like most women in the United States today, you are likely the main person responsible for your family’s health. You urge your husband to get his annual physical. You deal with the pediatrician, the dentist and even the pet’s vet. Perhaps you even care for your aging parents. Do all [...]

Diabetes and Foot Care

Why do I need to pay attention to my feet? People with diabetes are more likely to develop foot sores that can become serious if they aren’t treated. This is because diabetes can damage the nerves in your feet, so you might not feel it if you are getting a sore on your foot.  Diabetes can also [...]

Making Sense of Your Medicines

If you spend a lot of time thinking about taking your medicines, you are not alone. According to a recent study, many people struggle to take their medicines safely and correctly. The average person with diabetes takes 7-9 pills a day. That’s a lot of pills to manage! [...]

Are You Worn Out?

If your answer is yes, then you are not alone. A recent survey from the Diabetic Research Foundation showed that almost 85 percent of people with diabetes reported that fatigue was one of their leading daily challenges. Although everyone feels tired now and then, fatigue is different. Many people [...]

Diabetes Care Isn’t Just About Blood Glucose

One of the hardest things about living with diabetes is thinking about the possibility of long-term complications: eye, kidney and nerve damage, as well as heart attacks and strokes. You may already know that keeping your blood glucose as close to normal as is safe for you is the best way to lower [...]

The Skinny On Weight Loss

Your body and weight loss When you start to lose weight, you lose some of your stored fat.  That may seem like a good thing to you, but your body doesn’t always agree. We used to think fat just sat in your body and did nothing. But we now know that is not true. The fat you store makes hormones [...]
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