Staying Active As You Age

Just because you are getting older doesn’t mean that life has to slow down. People who stay active or who become more active when they get older are stronger and more flexible. They are able to walk up stairs or carry groceries with ease. Overall, they report a better quality of life. Research [...]

Growing Older

Has anyone ever said to you, “Don’t worry, diabetes isn’t very serious for older people?” Although they may be trying to make you feel better, it isn’t very good advice. Most people not only want to live long but they want to live well. Taking care of your diabetes and [...]

Planning For The Golden Years

When people reach middle age, they often think about how to spend their Golden Years. Most of us picture those years as a time when we get to do all the things we enjoy but don’t have time to do when work, family and other day-to-day tasks keep us busy. Planning for your Golden Years is something [...]

Better Blood Sugars and Weight Loss: It’s All in the Timing

“Timing is everything,” as the saying goes. And the timing of your daily meals and snacks can have a big impact on your blood sugars, your weight, and even your risk of heart disease. In 2017, the American Heart Association noted that meal and snack patterns among American adults have changed [...]

Boost Your Nutrition with Tomatoes

It’s that time of year when the tomatoes are ripening on the vine! There’s nothing quite like a fresh tomato, and in addition to being delicious on their own and in so many foods, tomatoes are also good for you.  Read on to learn about the health benefits of tomatoes and the many ways you can [...]

Detoxing with Diabetes: Is it Safe?

If you’ve been reading or hearing about detox diets and cleanses, you might be wondering if a detox is right for you. But is detoxing safe? Does it really work? And how might it affect your diabetes? Detox demystified The word “detox” is short for detoxification. The purpose of detoxing is to [...]

Gluten-free Diet Tips and Tricks

Avoiding gluten might seem to be just a dietary rage, but a gluten-free diet is not a fad if you are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease. And if you have diabetes in addition to celiac disease, figuring out what to eat can seem like a monumental task. Learn some helpful tips and tricks to make [...]

Is Beef Still “What’s for Dinner”?

Some of you may remember the “Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner” campaign that debuted in 1992. Twenty-six years later, beef is still a mainstay of the American diet, and that doesn’t look to be changing any time soon. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, in 2017 Americans [...]

Preventing Blood Sugar Spikes

One of the most challenging aspects of having diabetes is managing your blood sugars. Low blood sugars are a concern for people who take insulin or certain types of diabetes pills. High blood sugars are equally concerning, as they can leave you feeling poorly and can raise the risk of diabetes complications later on. [...]

Tips for Managing Hypothyroidism

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck. Most of us give very little thought to our thyroid until it no longer works as it should. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is a condition in which the thyroid doesn’t make enough of the vital hormones T3 and T4. Hypothyroidism is [...]
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