Articles by Staci Gulbin, MS, MEd, RD, LDN

Medicine, Weight Gain and Fast Food

New medicine combo helps those with diabetes control blood glucose levels Metformin alone has shown to be very effective in lowering blood glucose levels in those with diabetes. However, a recent study suggests that metformin along with the medicine vildagliptin is a powerful partnership in the [...]

Nutrition Program Helps Kids Fulfill Their Dreams

It can be hard to get children to trade their chips for veggies, or cookies for fruit. However, it is important to get the country’s children off to a healthy start to prevent them from having to live with chronic disease. A recent report found that a program linking healthy living to fulfilling dreams has been successful in building healthy habits in children. [...]

Food Prices Can Affect Your Diabetes

For many people who have diabetes, one of the greatest challenges is budgeting time and money. Eating healthier foods, working out, and buying medicines and diabetes care supplies can put a strain on your schedule and your wallet. In fact, a recent report has found that food prices can affect your blood glucose level if you have diabetes. [...]

Heart and Other Diseases that Affect Diabetes

Diabetes during pregnancy may increase heart disease risk Gestational diabetes, or diabetes you get during pregnancy, can put both you and your baby at higher risk for getting type 2 diabetes later in life.  However, a recent study found that those moms that get gestational diabetes may also be [...]

Diabetes, Diet and Related Issues

Inpatient diabetes teaching may reduce trips to the hospital Outpatient diabetes teaching from your healthcare provider has shown to increase compliance to medicine regimens and improve blood glucose levels.  However, many people with diabetes may not have access to such outpatient care on a [...]

Anemia, Low Blood Glucose, Obesity and Your A1C

Anemia increases risk of dementia Anemia occurs when you have a low number of iron-rich red blood cells in your body.  Nearly one-fourth of people 65 years of age or older develop anemia, which can cause weakness, fatigue, and shortness of breath.  A recent report has found that those with anemia [...]

Diabetes, Insulin, Foot Care, and Obesity

Those with diabetes and thyroid disorder require early insulin > Those with type 2 diabetes are often treated with other medicine regimens and lifestyle changes first before insulin is added to their diabetes care routine.  A recent study has found though that those with diabetes and thyroid [...]

Kids’ and Womens’ Health

Too much weight gain can be a bad thing, even when pregnant When you are pregnant you may have many cravings, which in turn may lead to overeating for you and your bundle of joy. However, weight gain while you are pregnant should be controlled to avoid any health problems during pregnancy and at [...]

Being an obese child increases risk of obese adulthood

Being obese, or 10-percent or more of normal weight, can place you at greater risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.  Therefore, it is important to eat healthy, stay active, and stay on top of your doctor’s visits to keep weight at a healthy level.  The sooner you adopt [...]

DNA Link Found in Those with Type 2 Diabetes

DNA link found in those with type 2 diabetes It has been thought that some people may be more prone to getting diabetes than others due to their family history. A recent study which looked at the DNA, or genetic code, of nearly 200,000 people with and without diabetes found that this thought may be [...]

A Healthy Kid Helps Make a Healthy Adult

It’s never too late to start leading a healthy lifestyle, but it’s easier if you start living healthy young. Offer your child heart healthy foods such as fruits, veggies, low-fat dairy, and whole grains. Also, be sure to take your child to the doctor often to find out if your child is at risk [...]

Safeguard Your Liver to Stay Healthy

When you hear about living a healthy lifestyle, you may hear a lot about heart health. However, the organ less advertised for its importance is the liver.  The liver is important since it filters toxins from your body to protect it from harm.  A diseased liver, which can be caused by excess [...]

The Truth about Super Foods

Super foods have recently been the center of attention in the nutrition realm.  From dark chocolate to blueberries to salmon to red wine, super foods are thought to contain super nutrition power to enhance heart health and keep you looking and feeling younger than your years. Experts suggest that [...]

Your Parenting Style May Affect Your Child’s Risk of Obesity

When you are a child, you tend to imitate many things that those older than you do. In many cases, your parents are some of your biggest role models. This may be why a recent report found that those parents that were most involved in their lives lowered their children’s risk of obesity as an [...]

Your Diet May Be Hurting Your Memory

Burgers, fries, and sugary drinks seem to be the keystone of the Western diet as seen on tv. The Western diet, most often eaten in the United States, includes lots of processed carbs, fatty meats, and sugary foods and drinks that can lead to weight gain and increase risk of chronic disease such as [...]
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