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Almonds Are Delicious and Nutritious, And They May Even Help You Lose Weight

Nuts have been in the headlines recently.Some nuts,like pistachios, cashews and peanuts, are full of protein and keep you feeling full longer than more starchy snacks like potato chips.But, with about 15 grams of fat per ounce, you might wonder how such a food could be good for you. Recent research has found that almonds, one of the healthier nuts, can decrease appetite without increasing body weight.This makes them a great choice for a daily snack! [...]

Aerobic Exercise Can Help Improve Your Blood Glucose

Are you one of the 39% of adults with type 2 diabetes who is physically active? If so, congratulations! If not, now is the time to get active! Starting a regular habit of aerobic exercise can be the first step you take in gaining better control of your blood glucose levels. [...]

A Future without Finger Pricks

Think of how many times a day you poke your finger to test your blood glucose. I’m sure that can sometimes be a bit of a pain. However, thanks to a man named Ronnie Priefer, you may be able to say goodbye to that needle in the coming years! [...]

Everything You Need to Know About Erythritol

Erythritol is the most prominent ingredient in Truvía® Natural Sweetener by weight. It helps to provide bulk and the sugar-like crystalline appearance and texture for Truvía® Natural Sweetener. Erythritol is also an ingredient in Truvía® Brown Sugar Blend and Truvía® Baking Blend. [...]

Blueberry Vanilla Yogurt Shake

Blueberry Vanilla Yogurt Shake   Author: Celeste Jarabese Serves: 2 Servings Ingredients 8 fl.oz. (237 ml) Glucerna Shake, Homemade Vanilla flavour 6 oz. low-fat yogurt, vanilla ¾ cup blueberries, frozen Instructions Combine the Glucerna Shake (Homemade Vanilla), low-fat yogurt, and frozen [...]

Study Shows Why Bad Sleep Leads To Type 2 Diabetes

Researchers have known for a long time that a lack of sleep–or poor quality sleep–can lead to obesity, high blood glucose levels, and type 2 diabetes. But until now, they didn’t know why. A recent study published in the journal Diabetologia has shown them one possibility. It showed that not [...]

Fiber Counting May be A Great New Weight Loss Tool

In the hopes of losing weight and getting your health under control, it is very likely that you have counted calories, carbohydrates, or even grams of fat. With all of that counting, your weight loss journey may have become too much of a chore, and therefore may have ended before you reached your goal. A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine has found that a new and easier way to eat healthy for weight loss may be counting fiber, and only fiber. [...]

Palm Oil and Palm Kernel Oil: Healthy or Not?

Coconut oil is all the rage lately, and many people have started to include it in their meal plans. However, coconut oil isn’t the only tropical oil in town. Palm oil and palm kernel oil are tropical oils as well, and while they may not be as popular as coconut oil, they’re quickly catching up. What are palm and palm kernel oils, and, most importantly, are they healthy to eat? [...]

Coconut Oil: Healthy or Not?

You don’t have to look too hard these days to find a mention of coconut oil on the Internet. And you can also find coconut oil in your local grocery store, where it’s practically been flying off the shelves. But is this fat really a “superfood,” as many claim, or do we need to step back and learn more about this tropical oil before we add heaps of it to our meal plans? [...]

Higher Protein Intake Important For Diabetes Health

Protein is an important nutrient in any heart healthy, balanced meal plan. Not only does it help you maintain lean muscle mass and keep you full between meals, it also supports many other important processes in your body. People with diabetes know that they must keep track of how many carbohydrates they eat each day, but protein may become lost in the carb counting. A recent study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition has found that those with diabetes may not be getting enough protein each day. [...]

Moving More Improves Health, Regardless of Weight

You may be aware that staying active is a key part of a heart healthy lifestyle. Exercise can strengthen your heart muscle, help you maintain a healthy weight, and improve energy levels. A study recently published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has even found that a lack of exercise raises your risk of death more than obesity. [...]

Healthy Fats in Avocado Can Improve Cholesterol Levels

When you start a heart healthy eating plan, you might think that you need to cut out fat. However, recent studies have shown that including heart healthy unsaturated fats, such as those found in nuts, seeds, fatty fish, olive oil, and avocado, can actually help improve health measures like your cholesterol levels. A new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that an avocado a day can lower cholesterol levels, even when eaten as part of the average American meal plan. [...]

Three Seeds to be Eating Now: Chia, Hemp and Flaxseed

Chances are, you don’t think a whole lot about eating seeds, unless they’re those sesame seeds on top of your morning bagel. Seeds and nuts are often lumped into the same category, in terms of nutrients. But up until now, it’s been the nuts that have gotten all the glory. Seeds may be small, but they can pack a nutrition punch. Most seeds, like nuts, contain healthy fats, protein, fiber and minerals. In addition, eating seeds has been linked with a lower risk of heart disease, lowered inflammation and even weight loss. Tell nuts to move over and make room for these three seeds. Read on to find out why you should make them a regular part of your eating plan. [...]
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