How to deal with meal-time insulin boluses

How to deal with meal-time insulin boluses

Some people living with diabetes may need to use insulin each day to help control their blood glucose levels.  This insulin dose may be given in a bolus at meal time.  A recent study revealed that although adding an insulin bolus at every meal time each day may be helpful in controlling blood glucose levels, it may be a difficult regimen to adjust to for many people living with diabetes. Therefore, it is suggested that health care providers prescribe an insulin bolus at one meal time to start, and then to add more insulin boluses if needed to control blood glucose levels.

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Low blood glucose may affect memory

Hypoglycemia, or low blood glucose episodes can be scary events that cause dizziness, sweating, shaking, and nausea.  Care must be taken right away with glucose tablets or other easily digested sugars such as orange juice to bring blood glucose levels back to normal levels.  A recent study has found that those older adults with type 2 diabetes that have low blood glucose episodes often may place themselves at risk for memory problems.  It is not confirmed why low blood glucose levels affect working memory and cognitive function.  However, it is suggested that those with type 2 diabetes should be sure to learn about how to best deal with their low blood glucose levels so they can better manage their diabetes and overall health.
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 “The Diabetes Breakthrough” may help you reverse your diabetes

If you have diabetes, you may know that losing just 10-percent of your body weight and adopting healthy habits can help you better control your blood glucose levels.  However, a recent program at Joslin Diabetes Center called the “Why WAIT?” (Weight Achievement and Intensive Treatment) program has shown that losing weight may help reverse your type 2 diabetes.  Those who went on the program for 12 weeks were able to cut their medicine regimen in half, and some were even able to control their diabetes without taking medicines at all.  Therefore, talk to your healthcare provider on resources to help you lose weight so you can get more control over your diabetes.
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Is your TV making you obese?

When you come home from a busy day at work and running errands, all you want to do is put your feet up and relax.  For many of us, this relaxing time in the evening involves watching TV.  A recent review of households of all income levels from around the world found that when a household owns a TV, computer, and a car, obesity rates tend to be higher.  This finding was most apparent in low-income households where households who owned all three devices had obesity rates over 4 times higher and diabetes rates nearly 3 times higher than those in the same income group without any devices.
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