Search Results for heart health

The CDiabetes News Brief: September 29 to October 5, 2014

  Diabetes complication raises your risk of falling If you’re over 50, it’s important for you to make sure that you stay safe and healthy. Lots people over this age seriously hurt themselves when they fall, especially on stairs, and the problem is worse if they have diabetes. New research [...]

How Water Extracted Cinnamon Can Improve Your Blood Glucose Control

When it comes to controlling your blood glucose, you have probably researched the impact of everything from food, to exercise, to weight control. But have you looked into how spices may impact it? Cinnamon is a spice that doesn’t just add great flavor to foods; it may help to lower blood glucose [...]

An Easy Way To Take An Insulin Shot

NO ONE ENJOYS taking insulin shots, but skipping them is not a wise or healthy option. Your heart, blood vessels, eyes and kidneys are at risk if you do not care for your diabetes well. If you can’t control your blood glucose with increased movement, good food choices and pills, you may need to [...]

The CDiabetes News Brief: September 22 to 28, 2014

The Longer You Have Diabetes, The More Likely You Are To Have Heart Problems You may know that people with diabetes face higher risks of many different complications, including heart and blood vessel problems. A new study from the University of Sydney in Australia has found that your risk for these [...]

The CDiabetes News Brief: September 15 to 21, 2014

  Prediabetes raises risk of certain cancers Having diabetes can lead to a lot of different problems, including cancer. Even people who have high blood glucose levels but don’t yet have diabetes still have a higher chance of getting cancer. A new study showed that people with prediabetes had [...]

Diabetes and Inflammation

If you or someone you know has diabetes, you have probably been told that high blood glucose levels can cause many different complications. These include blood vessel damage, heart disease and stroke. Healthcare providers tell people with diabetes to keep their glucose levels as healthy as possible to prevent complications. But good blood glucose control is not always enough to keep people with diabetes healthy. Thanks to new research, we may now know why this is. [...]

The CDiabetes News Brief: September 8 to 14, 2014

  Breastfeeding helps new mothers lose pregnancy weight Many healthcare providers will say that breastfeeding newborn babies helps them grow up healthier. That’s why lots of new mothers prefer to do this when they’re able to. However, new research shows that it’s also good for the [...]

The CDiabetes News Brief: September 1 to 7, 2014

  People With Low Incomes Find It Harder To Lose Weight It can be hard to get the exercise you need to stay healthy, especially if you don’t have enough money to pay for things like gym memberships. This has a much bigger effect on your health you might think. A recent study showed that poor [...]

The CDiabetes News Brief: August 17 to 23, 2014

Smoking while pregnant could cause children to have diabetes Smoking is bad for your health for many reasons, and could also cause problems for your baby if you smoke while pregnant. This is why researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health recently tested people whose mothers had smoked [...]

Prediabetes, Probiotics, Low Carb and Weight Loss

Any parent will tell you that getting children to eat vegetables can be hard sometimes. A new study found a trick to getting kids to like their greens just as much as other foods. Children between 3 and 5 were given picture books about eating crackers and carrots, and then were given these as [...]

Pre-Hypertension: Higher Than Normal Blood Pressure

If you think your blood pressure is OK because you’ve never heard the words, “You have high blood pressure,” think again. Take some time to learn about the newest blood pressure guidelines from the government’s National High Blood Pressure Education Program. These guidelines define a new category for blood pressure that is higher than normal. It’s called pre-hypertension. [...]

Weight Loss, Diabetes and New Drugs

To lose more weight, start exercising before you change your meal plan You probably already know that both physical activity and healthy eating habits are important if you want to lose weight and control your diabetes. But a new study shows that when you begin healthy lifestyle changes can be [...]

Avocado: The Superfood For Weight-loss And Diabetes Control

Who knew that this scrumptious, easy-to-find and multipurpose fruit was also a powerhouse of good health? Well, probably the Aztecs. It is believed that they began to grow this “fruit of kings” as early as 291 B.C. Much is known about the health benefits of avocados. They are a great source of [...]

Ways To Lower Blood Pressure

The evidence is in. Blood pressure control in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes is just as important as blood glucose control. High blood glucose (diabetes) and high blood pressure often go hand in hand. Sixty to sixty five percent of people who have diabetes also have high blood pressure. Maintaining blood pressure, at a level or below 130/80, can help prevent or slow down the progression of several common long-term diabetes problems, including heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and loss of vision. [...]
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