
Costco Can Help Get You and Your Family on a Healthier Path

  Nancy Johnson Horn is a working mother of three who had gestational diabetes and is now pre-diabetic. With a family history of diabetes, she is doing everything she can to make sure she keeps herself and her family healthy. Read her post at [...]

CDiabetes Summer 2015 Magazine

The Summer 2015 issue of CDiabetes Magazine: Healthy Living with Diabetes is now available at The new issue is full of helpful articles, tips for meal planning and lowering your cholesterol, delicious heart healthy recipes, and answers to many of your questions. [...]

Making Sense of Meds

  Many people do not fully understand what the instructions on their medicine bottles mean. They often take medicines more times per day than needed. Most people find that the more often they have to remember to take their medicines, the easier it is to forget. So what can you do? This article [...]

Are Natural Products Right For You?

Many people with diabetes look to natural products and vitamins for added help with their diabetes. And with good reason — some 
of these products can be very helpful. But some can make your diabetes medicines less effective or 
harm you. Janis Roszler MSFT, RD, CDE, LD/N, answers two of the [...]

The Skinny On Weight Loss

  When you start to lose weight, you lose some of your stored fat. That may seem like a good thing to you, but your body doesn’t always agree. We used to think fat just sat in your body and did nothing. But we now know that is not true. The fat you store makes hormones that help control [...]

Are You Nuts About Nuts, Berries And Oils?

Nuts, berries and oils seem to be in the news a lot lately, thanks to the health benefits that they provide. Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and most other types of nuts are great for your heart. Berries, such as straw-berries, blueberries, raspberries and cranberries, are rich in antioxidants, [...]

Heart Disease And Diabetes: Men VS Women

  Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in both men and women, and people with diabetes are at a higher risk for heart disease than those without diabetes. Even though women and men with diabetes have the same risk of getting heart disease, women and men are different when it comes to [...]

4 Steps to Safely Manage Your Diabetes Away from Home

Having diabetes should not stop you from taking a vacation, even to far-away places. And while you can’t take a vacation from your diabetes, all you need is some careful planning to stay safe when you’re away from home. Taking your care routine along with you will result in stress-free travel, and help you manage your diabetes. [...]

Join the Costco Diabetes Club!

Costco Pharmacy and invite you to Join our FREE Costco Diabetes Club! FREE! Sign Up for Weekly Health Tips Get great recipes, and tips about diabetes, heart health and [...]

Prescription Precision

  Author’s Note: I found an online resource with great information. The article, written by Barbara Bronson Gray, can be found via the link at the end of this post. Below is an excerpt from it:   YOU’D THINK IT would be easy to take medications: Just read the label and carry [...]

Plant-Based Meal Plans Can Protect Your Heart Health

You probably already know that a cornerstone of a healthy, balanced meal plan is plenty of plant foods. Fresh, frozen, and even canned vegetables, fruit, grains, beans and nuts provide important nutrients to help you avoid serious illnesses. A new study from researchers at Imperial College London [...]

Diet Soda Linked To Obesity In Older Adults

If you have any symptoms of metabolic syndrome, which include obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood glucose levels, high blood pressure, and high triglycerides, your healthcare provider may have suggested that you cut down on sugar. But if you switched to diet soda to achieve this, you might be [...]

Costco Keeps the Needs of Those Living with Diabetes in Stock

While shopping at Costco last week, I went with the purpose of finding products that would be sufficient for a diabetes friendly diet. While browsing the aisles, my stomach was growling with the endless healthy food options available. All of them versatile and delicious while keeping diabetes [...]
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