
Diabetes and Depression: Nutrition Can Help

If you’ve been feeling sad, blue or down for more than a few days at a time, it’s important to seek professional help. Depression can be effectively treated and managed in a number of ways, including with therapy or medication. [...]

Plant-Based Meal Plans Can Protect Your Heart Health

You probably already know that a cornerstone of a healthy, balanced meal plan is plenty of plant foods. Fresh, frozen, and even canned vegetables, fruit, grains, beans and nuts provide important nutrients to help you avoid serious illnesses. A new study from researchers at Imperial College London [...]

Salt Can Be Bad For Your Overall Heart Health

As part of a heart healthy lifestyle, you may be told to lower your sodium (salt) intake in order to reduce your risk of high blood pressure. However, salt may be bad for your heart health in ways you have never thought of before. A new study published in the Journal of the American College of [...]

Folic Acid May Lower Stroke Risk In People With High Blood Pressure

Folic acid is a nutrient most commonly known for helping to prevent brain defects in infants. Therefore, it may not be too surprising to find out that this nutrient can also help prevent strokes, which occur when blood flow to the brain is cut off. A recent study published in the Journal of the [...]

Pesco-Vegetarian Meal Plan May Lower Your Risk For Colon Cancer

There are many different types of vegetarian meal plans. Some include eggs, milk, or fish, while others have no animal products at all. Past research has been mixed about whether or not these types of plans are better for your health. But a new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine has shown [...]

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines and Diabetes

You might be familiar with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which are developed by nutrition experts and approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The first edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans was issued back in 1980. Since then, a new version has been published every five years. It’s time for a new edition this year. What will be different? What will be new? And how might these guidelines affect people who have diabetes? [...]

World Health Organization Suggests Lowering Sugar Intake

Do you know how much sugar you eat and drink every day? You may be getting a lot more than you think. Sugar is often added to sauces, dressings and soups, in addition to baked goods, candies, sodas, ice cream and alcoholic drinks. According to the World Health Organization’s new nutrition [...]

Adding A Little Fat Or Sugar May Help Improve Child Nutrition

  If you have children, you may be tempted to try and lower their heart disease and diabetes risk by cutting out as much fat and sugar as possible from their meal plans. However, a recent report from the American Academy of Pediatrics, published in the journal Pediatrics, has shown that a [...]

Pollutants Linked To Obesity And Poor Health

  According to health and environmental scientists, POPs (persistent organic pollutants) are a serious public health problem. POPs are a group of substances that can stay in the environment for a long time, especially in the food we eat. This puts human health at risk in a variety of ways, [...]

Heavy Breakfast Best For Type 2 Diabetes?

  Every month, a lot of research is published about the best foods to eat for type 2 diabetes. A balanced meal plan should include enough vitamins and minerals, protein, healthy fats and fiber to help you control your blood glucose levels and avoid diabetes complications. But did you now that [...]

New Cholesterol Guidelines May Be Sending Mixed Messages

  New dietary guidelines put out by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) state that Americans should no longer be worried about eating high-cholesterol foods like egg yolks and shellfish. However, some experts in the nutrition field, such the chairman of cardiovascular medicine [...]

Plant-based meal plans can improve the health of obese children

  The number of obese children in the United States is growing every day. Obesity puts children at a high risk for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) found that over two-thirds of obese children have at least one risk factor for heart disease, such as [...]

Nutrition Experts Call For Fewer Restrictions On Fat, More On Sugar

  Recently, healthcare providers and health researchers have suggested a few big changes to the eating guidelines they give to Americans. For decades, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans have suggested limiting foods with a lot of cholesterol, including: Egg yolks Red meat Butter, lard, and [...]

Fasting May Lower Inflammation

If you keep up with health news, you may know that inflammation is often at the root of metabolic problems, like high blood pressure, obesity, high triglycerides, high blood glucose, and type 2 diabetes. Inflammation is a process in your body that helps you heal from wounds and other urgent issues, [...]

Higher Protein Intake Important For Diabetes Health

Protein is an important nutrient in any heart healthy, balanced meal plan. Not only does it help you maintain lean muscle mass and keep you full between meals, it also supports many other important processes in your body. People with diabetes know that they must keep track of how many carbohydrates they eat each day, but protein may become lost in the carb counting. A recent study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition has found that those with diabetes may not be getting enough protein each day. [...]
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