Articles by CDiabetes Staff

Overprotective parenting might lead to obesity in children

Overprotective parenting might lead to obesity in children Overprotective moms might be damaging their children’s health by being too worried about letting them play outside. In a new study from the Telethon Kids Institute in Australia, 4,000 children between the ages of 10 and 11 were asked how [...]

Chicken Tikka Drum Sticks

  Chicken Tikka Drum Sticks   Author: Cdiabetes Staff Cuisine: Main Serves: 4 Ingredients 1 pound chicken drum sticks 4 tablespoons skimmed yogurt 1 teaspoons raw papaya paste ½ teaspoons ginger paste 1 teaspoon garlic paste 1 teaspoon minced green chili or paprika ½ teaspoon salt 1½ [...]

Replacing Calories In Your Meal Plan With Sugar-Free Sweeteners

Experts used to believe that sugar-free products with zero-calorie sweeteners could make you want to eat more. The thinking behind this was that zero-calorie sweeteners raise the blood glucose levels and affect the hormone levels that lead your body to crave carbs. A recent study, however, has [...]

Water, Water Everywhere

HOW MUCH SHOULD I DRINK (AND EAT)? Our bodies are all different, and the amount of water we need may be different too, depending on where we live, our age and health, how active we are and other factors. There is no one amount of water that is perfect for everyone. What is the same is that about [...]

Oral Health And Diabetes

If you have diabetes, you probably know that you are at an increased risk for problems with your eyes, feet, skin and nervous system. Did you know that diabetes can also cause problems in your mouth? Take Care Of Your Teeth Poor blood glucose control lets bacteria grow easily in your mouth. Having [...]

Exercise and Healthy Food Choices

You may have heard how exercise is good for your health in many ways, including helping you to lose weight and to keep your heart strong. But, did you ever think that working out could make you desire healthier foods? A recent study of the brain scans of healthy men found out that those who [...]

Natural Ways To Lower Cholesterol

If you have been told you have high cholesterol, you most likely want to take action. If you are already on medications to control diabetes, you may be looking for natural options to avoid additional medications. The good news is that cholesterol, for many individuals, can be managed through [...]

Avocado: The Superfood For Weight-loss And Diabetes Control

Who knew that this scrumptious, easy-to-find and multipurpose fruit was also a powerhouse of good health? Well, probably the Aztecs. It is believed that they began to grow this “fruit of kings” as early as 291 B.C. Much is known about the health benefits of avocados. They are a great source of [...]

Ways To Lower Blood Pressure

The evidence is in. Blood pressure control in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes is just as important as blood glucose control. High blood glucose (diabetes) and high blood pressure often go hand in hand. Sixty to sixty five percent of people who have diabetes also have high blood pressure. Maintaining blood pressure, at a level or below 130/80, can help prevent or slow down the progression of several common long-term diabetes problems, including heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and loss of vision. [...]

Lower Your Cholesterol for a Healthier Heart

By now, you've probably heard that people with diabetes have a higher risk of heart disease and heart attack than people without diabetes. If you’re one of the 24 million Americans who has diabetes, you might be wondering what you can do to keep your heart as healthy as possible. Keeping your cholesterol level in a safe range is a key part in lowering your risk for heart disease. But how do you get started? Remember, in order to know where you’re going, you need to know where you’re starting. Think about your cholesterol numbers, your food intake and your activity level. What changes can you make? [...]

Heart Disease and Diabetes

You probably have heard about heart disease, or you may know someone who has a heart condition—but you may not know exactly what that really means. Heart disease is an overall term for several types of heart problems. Heart failure and atrial fibrillation are two of the most common heart problems. Having diabetes increases your risk for getting one or both of these. [...]

Hot Chicken Cilantro Soup

Head South of the border with this Mexican inspired soup, Hot Chicken Cilantro soup is the perfect meal for a quick week night or weekend meal. Hot Chicken Cilantro Soup   Cuisine: Main Serves: 4 Ingredients ~ 1lb. bone-in split chicken breasts with ribs ¼ tsp garlic paste ½ tsp ginger paste [...]
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