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Tips For Buying Fish

Eating fish is a treat all year round, but summertime is when people seem to enjoy their seafood the most. There’s something special about enjoying a lobster roll, steamed clams or salmon on the grill after a day at the beach or being outside in the fresh air. However, choosing fish can be confusing for many people. You might also have concerns over possible health issues, such as the mercury content of fish or bacteria found in some seafood. The good news is that seafood can be part of a healthy eating plan – read on to learn how. [...]

Nuts and Your Health

If you love nuts, you’ll be glad to know that nuts are chock-full of health benefits. It’s hard to believe that so much good comes in such a tiny package! Nuts, by definition, are a combination of a seed and a fruit inside a hard shell. Examples of nuts include almonds, walnuts, pecans and hazelnuts. Peanuts, while technically a legume, are also usually grouped with nuts. Nuts are bursting with nutrition, providing healthy fats called omega-3 fatty acids, protein, fiber, vitamin E, plant sterols (substances that can lower cholesterol) and l-arginine, an amino acid that improves the health of your artery walls. Besides all of these nutrients, nuts are full of important minerals, including magnesium, selenium, potassium and zinc. [...]

Keeping Your Skin Healthy with Diabetes

You probably know that diabetes can affect many parts of your body, including your heart, kidneys, nerves and eyes. But did you know that diabetes can also affect your skin? Having diabetes can raise the risk of certain skin problems, including dry skin, bacterial and yeast infections, itching, and acanthosis nigricans (darkened, thickened skin). You can help avoid these and other skin problems by following the steps below. [...]

Diabetes and Food Poisoning: What You Need to Know

No one wants to get sick from their food. Foodborne illness, commonly known as “food poisoning,” is caused by foods or beverages that are contaminated by bacteria, viruses or parasites. Although it is unpleasant, for most people foodborne illness is more of a nuisance than anything else. However, for people with diabetes, foodborne illness can be very serious. And while food poisoning is not something anyone wants to think or worry about, being aware of the causes and the symptoms can help ensure that you seek treatment as soon as possible. [...]

New Study Questions Health Benefits of Vegetarian Diets

There are many different things that you can do to try and improve your health. For example, you could exercise more or quit smoking. And, one of the most important changes you can make is to start eating a healthy diet. Not everyone agrees on what, exactly, a “healthy diet” is. In fact, even health experts can’t say for sure what the “best” diet is for good health – if there is one. Many people follow a vegetarian (meat-free) meal plan, which has been shown in some small studies to be good for your heart. However, the results of a recent study suggest that vegetarians might actually be less healthy than people who eat meat. How true is this claim? Read on to find out. [...]

You Can’t “Duct Tape” Diabetes Problems

When you have a leaky hose or loose window screen, do you pull out your handy role of silver duct tape and give it a quick fix? That may work for problems around the house, but a duct tape-style repair is no good for your diabetes control. If you often "duct tape" your blood glucose highs with more insulin and your lows with sugary treats, you are doing quick fixes for problems that need better care before they occur. [...]

How to Deal With Stress in Healthy Ways

Do you ever worry about work, even when you’re not working? Do you have trouble sleeping at night because your mind is racing? Do you ever get “road rage” while driving because you have so many other things on your mind? If you answered “yes” to any of these, then you might have too much stress in your life. But, don’t worry: you’re not alone! Millions of Americans today report that they feel stressed about one or more areas of their lives. [...]

Staying Hydrated

With the warm weather here, it’s especially important to drink plenty of fluids and keep yourself hydrated. The human body is made up of about 70 percent water; water is needed for many bodily functions, including digestion, regulating body temperature, blood pressure and heart rate. The kidneys also require water to remove waste products from the body. [...]

The Pros and Cons of Beef

There’s nothing quite like a juicy burger or steak sizzling on the grill. But beef, along with other types of red meat (pork, lamb, veal), has gotten a bad rap over the past few decades. Red meat is blamed for raising blood cholesterol and increasing the risk of heart disease. It’s also been blamed for causing cancer. On the other hand, beef contains important nutrients, like protein and iron, that are necessary for good health. Is beef healthy…or not? [...]

Berry Benefits

One of the best things about summer is all of the wonderful fruit that’s available. Berries, like strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, are sweet, juicy and, best of all, good for you! Make berries a delicious part of your healthful summer meals and snacks. [...]

Eggs:  You Can’t Beat Them!

May is a month of celebrations. In addition to proms and graduations, we observe Mother’s Day and Memorial Day – the unofficial start of summer! But did you know that May is also National Egg Month? Eggs are versatile, delicious and easy to prepare. They are also one of the healthiest foods available. Are you still concerned about eating eggs? Well, here are eight reasons why eggs can and should be part of a healthy eating plan. [...]

Eat Right – Exercise – Lower Your Risk Of Diabetes

Are you confused by the glycemic index, carb counting or carb exchanges? Studies have shown that losing as little as 5 to 10 percent of your body weight can help you lower your risk of chronic disease such as diabetes. But too many people try to lose this weight too quickly, using fad weight loss programs and other unhealthy approaches. A recent study in Diabetes Care shows that regardless of actual weight loss, just learning to make healthy eating and exercise a part of your daily life is enough to lower your risk. [...]

Are Your Health Goals Slipping Between the Cracks?

Many Americans make health goals based on the public health messages they hear or read in the news. Maybe you also set health goals, especially around the start of the New Year. Two popular goals are to move more and cook more healthy meals at home. A recent Ohio State University study found that when American adults try to meet these two health goals on the same day, one of them sometimes ends up slipping through the cracks. How? Researchers found that adults who spend ten extra minutes preparing a meal at home aren’t likely to also spend spend ten extra minutes exercising. In other words, one goal pushes the other aside. [...]

Exercise, Eating, and Weight Loss: What You Should Know

There are many different plans you can use to lose weight, but the basic idea behind weight loss is that you need to burn more calories each day than you eat. How do you do this? Public health officials have told us for many years to “eat less and move more.” Getting more exercise helps you burn calories, and eating less means you are taking in fewer calories. Together, these can lead to weight loss. However, according to the results of a recent study, the “eat less, move more” idea might not always lead to success. [...]

Maple Pumpkin Banana Overnight Oats by Lauren Harris Pincus MS, RDN publisher Jonathan Jarashow recently visited a friend's website and came away with a unique take on overnight oats. A link to the recipe for Maple Pumpkin Banana Overnight Oats is included in the article. It's definitely a must-try for people who think they've already sampled every permutation of overnight oats. [...]
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