Prescription Precision

Taking Medicines For Maximum Benefit And Safety



Author’s Note: I found an online resource with great information. The article, written by Barbara Bronson Gray, can be found via the link at the end of this post. Below is an excerpt from it:


YOU’D THINK IT would be easy to take medications: Just read the label and carry on. But it’s not that simple.

“People often don’t understand how they’re supposed to take the drug, what it’s really for, how much to take or how diet can have an impact on the medication,” says Bri Morris of the National Community Pharmacists Association (, which represents America’s community pharmacists, including the owners of more than 23,000 pharmacies.

Not taking your medications when and in the way they are designed to work is a $290 billion problem in the United States, Morris says, including $2,000 per patient in additional physician visits annually, associated costs related to poor self-management of chronic diseases and costs incurred mostly among the uninsured. “When people don’t take their medications properly, they’re more likely to have complications.”


To read the full article, go to this link:

Prescription Precision by Barbara Bronson Gray, on The Costco Connection

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