heart health

Can Eating Dark Chocolate Help Lower Your Blood Pressure?

There is a lot of talk these days about all the different health problems that are becoming more common in the United States. You might already know some of these facts—heart disease is the number one killer in the US, and rates of diseases like obesity and diabetes are at an all-time high. [...]

Could Eating Chocolate Decrease Your Risk for Heart Disease?

What do diabetes, heart disease, and chocolate have in common? They all, in some ways, go hand-in-hand. If you have diabetes you probably know that your heart disease risk is much greater than someone who doesn’t have diabetes. Many people with diabetes even take medicine for heart disease or other heart problems to try to lower their risks. Taking medicine to prevent heart disease makes sense, but what about the chocolate? [...]

Could Corn Oil Be The Key To Heart Health?

If you are trying to eat healthy or lose weight, you probably think that you shouldn’t have oil in your meal plan. After all, oil is full of fat, and fat is bad, right? Well, it turns out that not all oil is bad for you, and you actually need good oil in your heart healthy eating plan. Research has shown that corn oil may actually lower cholesterol levels even more than olive oil, the oil popularly known for being “healthy.” [...]

Can Your Job Increase Your Risk of Heart Disease?

Many know that heart disease is the number one killer of Americans today.Risk factors include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, being overweight or obese,diabetes, and smoking. A new study suggests there might be another risk factor to consider—your job! Not just any job, however. The study looked at a group of people who have a very physically demanding job—firefighters. [...]

Body Mass Index and Heart Disease Risk: Is There A Connection?

There are several important numbers everyone should know — your address, phone number, social security number and date of birth. You should also know about numbers related to your body, such as height, weight and age. Do you know another important number that gives information about you? Are you familiar with your BMI? [...]

Aspirin and heart disease prevention: Is bedtime the best time to take it?

Do you take a daily aspirin to help lower your risk of a heart attack or a stroke? If you answered “yes” to this question, then you are like millions of other people with diabetes. Would you believe that the time you take your aspirin might affect how well it works? This might surprise you, but it is exactly the result found in a recent medical study. [...]

New Dietary Guidelines Say To Cut Back On Fat And Sugar

  It’s no secret that the “Western,” or typical American eating pattern, is unhealthy. This type of carb-laden, high-fat, and highly-processed way of eating is making it harder to fight the rising rates of obesity in the United States. The most recent USDA Dietary Guideline committee [...]

Watching TV May Raise High Blood Pressure Risk In Children

  To keep your heart healthy, it is often suggested that you watch less TV and get more physical activity. A recent study published in the International Journal of Cardiology has confirmed the benefits of this suggestion. It showed that 2 hours or more of TV watching a day raises the risk of [...]

Anger May Increase Your Heart Attack Risk

  When you get stressed or angry, you may feel your blood pressure go up, or you may start to have pain in your chest. A recent study published in the European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care found that you may actually be feeling these symptoms when you are stressed because your [...]

Pollutants Linked To Obesity And Poor Health

  According to health and environmental scientists, POPs (persistent organic pollutants) are a serious public health problem. POPs are a group of substances that can stay in the environment for a long time, especially in the food we eat. This puts human health at risk in a variety of ways, [...]

Every Movement Counts For Heart Health In Older Adults

As you get older, your bones and muscles may not be as strong as they used to be. Getting around and doing daily tasks becomes much harder. So, meeting the suggested 150 minutes of exercise each week suggested by The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans seem out of reach for many older [...]

Heart Healthy Updates

  Stress May Make It Harder To Recover From A Heart Attack You may know that eating a balanced meal plan and staying active are important to keeping your heart healthy. But one part of a heart healthy lifestyle that seems to be forgotten is controlling stress. A recent study published in the [...]

Heart Health Updates

It’s best to focus on weight loss before chronic disease A recent report in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism looked at the Endocrine Society’s guidelines for treating obesity with various medicines. Instead of focusing on prescribing medicines for the conditions related to [...]

Heart Healthy Updates

  New Programs Help Low-Income Communities Get Heart Healthy A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association examines low-cost methods for low-income communities to get heart healthy and prevent chronic disease.  A 40-year study of Franklin County, a low-income area in [...]

Turn Up the Heat

Hot sauce. Chili peppers. Jalapeños. Indian curry. What do these foods all have in common? They’re hot! If you have the taste buds and the stomach for them, you might want to include them in your regular eating plan, because they offer a whole host of benefits. Here’s how they can help your health! [...]
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