March 2015

Onion Extract Seems To Improve Metabolism

If you have diabetes or prediabetes, you probably know how important it is to get your blood glucose and cholesterol levels under control if you want to avoid serious diabetes complications, like heart disease and nerve damage. The best way to do this is to get at least 30 minutes of physical [...]

Depression May Worsen Obesity In Food Stamp Users

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, over 47 million Americans are currently using food stamps. This means they have low incomes, and are more likely to live in areas without reliable access to healthy foods. A study recently published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics looked [...]

A Bigger Breakfast for Better Blood Glucose Control

Adelle Davis, an American author and nutritionist, once said: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” While some recent research has shown that eating breakfast doesn’t necessarily help you lose weight, there’s plenty of other research that points to the importance of starting off the day with a healthy meal. [...]

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines and Diabetes

You might be familiar with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which are developed by nutrition experts and approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The first edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans was issued back in 1980. Since then, a new version has been published every five years. It’s time for a new edition this year. What will be different? What will be new? And how might these guidelines affect people who have diabetes? [...]

Eating More Veggies Can Lower Your Heart Disease Risk

A good heart healthy meal plan will have plenty of fresh fruit and veggies to ensure that you get all the vitamins and minerals you need every day. A new study by researchers at Imperial College London in the UK has shown that eating more veggie-based meals may even lower your risk for heart [...]

Brush Up on Diabetes and Oral Health

Most of us know that we should brush and floss our teeth every day. But if you have diabetes, you may not realize just how important it is to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Diabetes can affect every system in your body, including the heart, nerves, kidneys, and eyes. Did you know that diabetes can affect your oral health, as well? Here are some tips to keep your mouth–and your diabetes control–in top shape. [...]

Heart Disease Risk Is High Among Unhealthy Young Adults

You may already know that the sooner you get healthy, the lower your risk of getting a chronic disease. A recent study by researchers at Northwestern University in Chicago showed that if you stay healthy before you reach middle age, you can delay the onset of heart failure. Heart failure affects [...]

Even Slightly High Blood Pressure Can Increase Your Risk Of Stroke

Nearly 65 million people, or 1 in 3 Americans, has high blood pressure. This makes it one of the most common diseases in the United States. High blood pressure can put you at risk for many other health problems, including kidney disease, heart attack, and stroke. A recent study has found that if your blood pressure is even slightly higher than normal, also known as being “pre-hypertensive,” you could be at risk for a stroke. [...]

Egg tart- Hong Kong

Egg tart- Hong Kong   Author: Cdiabetes Staff Serves: 6 Ingredients 40ml Water 20ml Fresh Milk 20g Caster Sugar 1 Large Egg 1 Teaspoon Condensed Milk 6 Prepared Tarts Instructions • Preheat the oven at 140 degrees. Take one saucepan, add water and bring it to the boil. • Add sugar, let the [...]

Eating Right while Eating Out

Lately, it is becoming more common to see restaurants offering heart-healthy menu options. Subway offers subs and meals approved by the American Heart Association; Applebee's offers a Weight Watchers section on their menu; and TGI Fridays lists "better-for-you" options to guide diners to better choices. However, fast food menus are less likely to provide healthy options, and this can make eating out harder for those trying to follow a heart healthy lifestyle. [...]

Does it Pay to be Healthy?

Is it really worth the extra cost to lead a more healthy lifestyle? A recent Harvard study found that it costs about $1.50 more each day, or $550 more each year, to eat a “healthy” meal plan. This may seem like a lot if you are already on a tight budget. But if you compare it to the cost of being unhealthy, it may seem more like something you want to do. [...]

Does Exercise Lower Your Risk of Dementia?

Everywhere you turn these days, it seems like someone is talking about all the different things you need to do to take care of your body. With so much attention given to diabetes and other health problems in the United States today, it’s not hard to see why there is so much talking of this kind. [...]

Does A Larger Waistline Increase Your Risk Of Dying Young?

Waistlines these days are bigger than they ever have been. This is true not just in the United States, but around the world. In 2008, there were about 500 million obese and almost 1 billion overweight adults globally.In the US today, about 1 in 3 people are obese, whereas in the rest of the world only about 1 in 10 people are. In addition to being a risk factor for diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart attack, and stroke, being obese can increase your risk for dying young.According to a recent study, the larger your waist size, the greater your risk of an early death. [...]

Can Blood Pressure Medicine Increase Your Risk of Falling?

There are many different ways to treat high blood pressure. Like so many other conditions, the best place to start is by eating healthy food and moving more. If this is not enough to lower your blood pressure, you might need to take medicine. Sometimes, more than one medicine will be needed to help your each your target blood pressure number. [...]

Can Obesity Motivate You to Lose Weight?

Did you know that billions of dollars are spent every year caring for obesity and obesity-related health problems? Plus, being obese makes it more likely that you will die at a younger age or suffer from chronic health problems during your life. [...]
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