March 2015

Do Diet Drinks Increase Risk of Heart Problems in Older Women?

With the increasing rates of diabetes and obesity in the United States today, and the fact that heart disease is the number-one killer, it’s not hard to see why healthy eating trends have become headline news. Some of the most common health news stories are about foods that you “must avoid” if you want to lead a happy and healthy life. Sometimes it’s hard to know what and who to believe. [...]

A Healthy Heart? It Could Only be a Few Steps Away

Do you worry about the health of your heart? Do you want to do something good for your heart and your overall health? To get your heart healthy can start with a single step! Research has found that if you walk just 2,000 extra steps a day it can lower your risk of heart disease. [...]

Do Energy Drinks Hurt Your Heart?

Is your energy drink pick-me-up putting too much stress on your heart? Energy drinks are widely available, and if you don’t like coffee or soda, energy drinks provide a fruit-flavored way to kick start your day, or keep you going until evening. But, recent research has shown that drinking too many energy drinks can place unnecessary stress on your heart. [...]

It’s Not Just What You Eat, But How You Eat That Matters

Old habits die hard. You may have a healthy meal plan, a fridge full of healthy foods, and a new exercise program in place. It may seem like you are on the road to success in getting your weight and diabetes under control.But just one stressful day could make you reach for the ice cream. Eating habits can be hard to change, and can get in the way of healthy progress if you are not careful. [...]

Watercress and Spinach Salad with Honey-Lemon Dressing

Watercress and Spinach Salad with Honey-Lemon Dressing   Author: Cdiabetes Staff Serves: 4 Ingredients Dressing 1 piece lemon, juiced 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 teaspoons sugar-free honey ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper Salad 4 cups watercress 1 cup baby spinach 1 [...]

Zesty Citrus Tilapia Fillet

Zesty Citrus Tilapia Fillet   Author: Cdiabetes Staff Serves: 4 Ingredients 2 pieces (5oz) Tilapia fish fillet, halved 1 piece lemon, juiced 1 piece orange, juiced 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil ½ teaspoon lemon pepper ¼ teaspoon salt Instructions Season tilapia with salt and lemon [...]

Do Diabetes Medicines Work Differently for Men and Women?

Did you know that diabetes medicines work differently for every patient?How your body responds to a medicine can depend on how long you have had diabetes, if you have other diseases, or whether you experience side effects from some of theingredients.But did you know that your sex can alsoeffect the way diabetes medicines work?Recent research has found that one diabetes drug, metformin, may have very different effects in men and women. [...]

Can Eating Dark Chocolate Help Lower Your Blood Pressure?

There is a lot of talk these days about all the different health problems that are becoming more common in the United States. You might already know some of these facts—heart disease is the number one killer in the US, and rates of diseases like obesity and diabetes are at an all-time high. [...]

Curried Coconut Chicken

Curried Coconut Chicken   Author: Cdiabetes Staff Serves: 4 Ingredients 12 ounces boneless chicken breasts, cubed 1 teaspoon salt and pepper to taste 1 tablespoon sunflower oil 2 tablespoons curry powder ½ onion, thinly sliced 2 garlic cloves, crushed 4 ounce coconut milk 2 small tomatoes, [...]

Stress and Your Children

People who feel stressed sometimes eat too much and put on weight. Your stress levels may also affect the health of your children. [...]

Could Eating Chocolate Decrease Your Risk for Heart Disease?

What do diabetes, heart disease, and chocolate have in common? They all, in some ways, go hand-in-hand. If you have diabetes you probably know that your heart disease risk is much greater than someone who doesn’t have diabetes. Many people with diabetes even take medicine for heart disease or other heart problems to try to lower their risks. Taking medicine to prevent heart disease makes sense, but what about the chocolate? [...]

Could Corn Oil Be The Key To Heart Health?

If you are trying to eat healthy or lose weight, you probably think that you shouldn’t have oil in your meal plan. After all, oil is full of fat, and fat is bad, right? Well, it turns out that not all oil is bad for you, and you actually need good oil in your heart healthy eating plan. Research has shown that corn oil may actually lower cholesterol levels even more than olive oil, the oil popularly known for being “healthy.” [...]

Chicken Muamba – Gabon

Chicken Muamba - Gabon   Author: Cdiabetes Staff Serves: 4 Ingredients 1 kg chicken thighs pieces (cut into serving-sized pieces) ½ butternut squash (sliced) 2 cups chopped tomatoes 1½ sliced okra ½ cup palm butter 1 cup chicken stock 1 cup chopped onions Fresh juice from [...]

Lack Of Sleep May Raise Obesity Risk

Eating healthy and staying active are great ways to control your weight. However, getting enough high quality sleep every night is also an important factor in body weight. A recent study by researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College in Doha, Qatar found that losing sleep can raise your diabetes [...]

Costco Keeps the Needs of Those Living with Diabetes in Stock

While shopping at Costco last week, I went with the purpose of finding products that would be sufficient for a diabetes friendly diet. While browsing the aisles, my stomach was growling with the endless healthy food options available. All of them versatile and delicious while keeping diabetes [...]
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