March 2015

Plant-Based Meal Plans Can Protect Your Heart Health

You probably already know that a cornerstone of a healthy, balanced meal plan is plenty of plant foods. Fresh, frozen, and even canned vegetables, fruit, grains, beans and nuts provide important nutrients to help you avoid serious illnesses. A new study from researchers at Imperial College London [...]

Treating Depression Can Lower Heart Disease Risks

You may know that having a chronic disease, like type 2 diabetes or heart disease, can lead to emotional problems like depression and anxiety. Caring for your condition, in addition to all of your other responsibilities, can be very stressful. But did you know that it may also be true the other way [...]

Weight-Lifting May Lower Diabetes Risk In Asian Populations

Recently, we reported that Asian Americans have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes at lower weights. This means that people of Asian descent do not have to be obese or severely overweight to have problems with their blood glucose levels, insulin sensitivity, and A1C, like most Caucasians do. With [...]

Unhealthy Children Are Likely To Become Unhealthy Adults

Your heart is the cornerstone of your overall health, since it pumps blood to all of your organs. For this reason, it is important to take care of your heart, not just when a problem presents itself, but also before that point. A recent study published in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular [...]

Salt Can Be Bad For Your Overall Heart Health

As part of a heart healthy lifestyle, you may be told to lower your sodium (salt) intake in order to reduce your risk of high blood pressure. However, salt may be bad for your heart health in ways you have never thought of before. A new study published in the Journal of the American College of [...]

Losing Weight May Help Obese Adults Get Rid of A. Fib

Obesity can pose many heart health risks, such as high blood pressure, heart attack, and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that those who are obese with a heart rhythm problem known as atrial fibrillation, or A. [...]

Smokers Have A Higher Risk Of Multiple Heart Attacks And Stroke

Smoking is a known risk factor for high blood pressure and heart disease, because it constricts blood vessels that move oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that smokers who have had a heart attack or stroke [...]

Added Sugars: Not so Sweet

If you’ve picked up a health magazine in the past few years, chances are you have seen many articles about sugar. Health experts cannot seem to agree on how much sugar you should have each day, but many believe that sugar isn't very healthy. This is a big problem because, according to Kieran Clarke of the University of Oxford, the taste for sugar is an addiction for many people across the globe. [...]

Folic Acid May Lower Stroke Risk In People With High Blood Pressure

Folic acid is a nutrient most commonly known for helping to prevent brain defects in infants. Therefore, it may not be too surprising to find out that this nutrient can also help prevent strokes, which occur when blood flow to the brain is cut off. A recent study published in the Journal of the [...]

Diet Soda Linked To Obesity In Older Adults

If you have any symptoms of metabolic syndrome, which include obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood glucose levels, high blood pressure, and high triglycerides, your healthcare provider may have suggested that you cut down on sugar. But if you switched to diet soda to achieve this, you might be [...]

Pesco-Vegetarian Meal Plan May Lower Your Risk For Colon Cancer

There are many different types of vegetarian meal plans. Some include eggs, milk, or fish, while others have no animal products at all. Past research has been mixed about whether or not these types of plans are better for your health. But a new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine has shown [...]

Low Blood Glucose Can Affect Your Language Abilities

If you have diabetes–particularly type 1 diabetes–you probably already know that low blood glucose (hypoglycemia) is a serious problem. If your blood glucose levels drop too low, you can risk seizures or coma. If your levels are consistently low for months or years, you have a higher risk of [...]
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