September 2015

#DiabetesChat: Healthy Living with Diabetes and Costco Diabetes Store Tour (October 7, 2015)

Costco Healthy Living with Diabetes (@cdiabetesinfo), in partnership with The Diabetes Influencers Network (@diabetesinfl), will be hosting a tweet chat about Healthy Living with Diabetes on October 7, 2015. We will be focusing on the many products available at Costco that are suitable for people living with diabetes and prediabetes. All participants will receive a free 40 page "Healthy Shopping with Diabetes" ebook and get a chance to win a $25 Costco gift card. [...]

Boosting Brain Health with the MIND Diet

If you have diabetes, you’re probably aware of the risk of complications, including heart and kidney disease, eye problems and nerve damage. Add another complication to that list: Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia and, according to the Alzheimer’s Association, accounts for 60 to 80 percent of dementia cases. People with type 2 diabetes are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s than people without this condition. [...]

Nutrition and Diabetes Twitter Chat for Healthcare Professionals (September 21, 2015)

In September 2015, The Johnson & Johnson Diabetes Institute, in partnership with The Diabetes Influencers Network (, @DiabetesINFL), hosted a Twitter chat for healthcare professionals about nutrition and diabetes. The chat was facilitated by Mary Ann Hodorowicz, RD, MBA, CDE, CEC, @mahodorowicz and Amy P. Campbell, RD, MS, CDE, @amypcampbell. Read on to see some common questions asked by people with diabetes, followed by answers from our hosts and participants. [...]

View The CDiabetes Fall 2015 Online Issue Today!

The Fall 2015 Online issue of Costco's Healthy Living With Diabetes has just been launched! Packed with articles on Diabetes and its complications, Diabetes-friendly recipes, and helpful advice on keeping Diabetes under control, this issue is a must-read for people with Diabetes along with their loved ones and friends. [...]

Comté That Counts

Have you ever wondered how and where your cheese comes from? Here's an article about Kirkland's Signature Comté Cheese and where it's made. [...]

Aspirin, Diabetes & Heart Disease

Do you, or does someone you know, take an aspirin every day to lower the risk of a heart attack? Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of Americans, and millions of Americans take an aspirin every day. If you have diabetes, your risk of heart disease is two to four times greater than people without diabetes. Taking an aspirin could be even more important for you than for others. However, there are some risks in taking aspirin, and not everyone should take it. The American Diabetes Association has provided a set of guidelines to help people know if they should take aspirin. [...]

Slow Your Eating… And Lose Weight

Do you stand over the sink and wolf down your meal? Do you grab a sandwich to go and chomp it down quickly in your car? Are you a multi-tasker, eating, working and watching television all at the same time? If so, you’re probably eating much too fast and very likely are eating more than you realize. [...]

Turkey Roulade

We selected and adapted (with permission) some recipes from Ms. Cheryl's book, "A Small Guide For Losing Big: From the Nutritionist for NBC’s The Biggest Loser", for your culinary and gustatory pleasure. No need to worry about your diet, as these recipes are diabetes-friendly and healthy. Don't forget to file these in your recipe scrapbook as they'll come in handy for dealing with this year's post-Thanksgiving turkey leftovers! [...]

Supplementing Your Meal Plan

Our bodies use vitamins and minerals to perform basic functions, such as building bone and muscle. If you eat a variety of healthy foods that include vegetables, fruits, whole grains and low-fat dairy products, you’ll be more likely to meet your body’s needs for vitamins and minerals. [...]

The DASH Diet For People With Diabetes

Have you heard of the DASH diet? DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Hypertension is another word for high blood pressure. Health experts in the U.S. News and World Report ranked the DASH diet the best overall diet for the last four years. The DASH diet was compared with 20 to 32 of the most popular diets during those years. The expert panel also ranked the DASH diet as the best diet for diabetes. [...]

Diabetes And Your Bones

You are probably aware of possible long-term complications of diabetes: heart disease and eye, kidney and nerve damage. But you may not be aware that diabetes can increase your risk for Osteoporosis and fractures—especially as you get older. [...]

Blood Glucose And Your Brain

Most of us don’t think much about our brains: we count on it to do the thinking for us. But new research is helping us understand more about the effects diabetes might have on your brain. [...]

Tips For Traveling With Diabetes

Having diabetes doesn’t mean you can’t travel. But before you pack your bags, it’s important to make sure you have a plan in place to manage your diabetes while you’re away from home. Here are five tips that will make it easier to take care of yourself when you travel. Talk with [...]
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