New dietary guidelines put out by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) state that Americans should no longer be worried about eating high-cholesterol foods like egg yolks and shellfish. However, some experts in the nutrition field, such the chairman of cardiovascular medicine [...]
View the February 25, 2015 #DiabetesChat transcript here. If you couldn’t make it to the fun chat then, don’t worry. There are more chat events to come! Click here to view the analytics of this Twitter chat event. Event Transcript Bethrosen Help needed #diabeteschat breakfast is [...]
Alcohol raises stroke risk When you have stress in your life, you may feel like your blood pressure is rising by the moment. In order to lower stress, you may reach for comfort food, or perhaps a glass of wine. You may think that by drinking alcohol you are working to lower your blood pressure and [...]
Coconut oil is all the rage lately, and many people have started to include it in their meal plans. However, coconut oil isn’t the only tropical oil in town. Palm oil and palm kernel oil are tropical oils as well, and while they may not be as popular as coconut oil, they’re quickly catching up. What are palm and palm kernel oils, and, most importantly, are they healthy to eat? [...]
Protein is an important nutrient in any heart healthy, balanced meal plan. Not only does it help you maintain lean muscle mass and keep you full between meals, it also supports many other important processes in your body. People with diabetes know that they must keep track of how many carbohydrates they eat each day, but protein may become lost in the carb counting. A recent study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition has found that those with diabetes may not be getting enough protein each day. [...]
Intensive care for type 1 diabetes may lead to longer life Caring for diabetes can be a daily challenge. No matter what kind of diabetes you have, you have to watch what you eat, get regular exercise, take medicines as prescribed, and get regular checkups with your healthcare providers. Now, a new [...]
New Programs Help Low-Income Communities Get Heart Healthy A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association examines low-cost methods for low-income communities to get heart healthy and prevent chronic disease. A 40-year study of Franklin County, a low-income area in [...]
If you have tried to lose weight while having a chronic condition like diabetes, you know how hard it can be. Losing weight takes a balanced meal plan, good sleep, and plenty of physical activity. Yet very few people keep the weight off over the long term, and this is probably why there are [...]
A great freshwater fish recipe with an Asian twist for those looking for a low-fat dish that’s 100% on flavor. This isn’t a buffalo-wing style meal folks, and just might bring on those nostalgic memories for those who grew up along the Mississippi river. Cauliflower with Buffalo Fish [...]
Spicy Curry Chicken is a great meal if you’re looking for something with some heat! It packs a punch. Spicy Curry Chicken Cuisine: Main Serves: 4 Ingredients 1 lb. skinless chicken, diced 1 large potato, peeled, cubed 1 Tbsp vegetable oil 2 Tbsp onion paste 1tsp garlic paste 1 tsp [...]
Savory Mediterranean Oats (From “The With or Without Meat Cookbook”, p. 19) When it’s all about cooking just for you, treat yourself to this clever morning main dish designed for one. Think of it like a creamy risotto, but with oats as the grain of choice. The goat cheese and basil [...]
Heart Healthy News Brief: The week just past in research, trends and news. What do Zero-calorie sweeteners, Red meat, Asthma, and Herbs have to do with heart health?